TSG Hotels & Resorts Spearheads Successful Beach Clean-Up Drive at Marina Park in Port Blair

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 24 July 2023

TSG Hotels & Resorts took a significant step towards environmental conservation by organizing a beach clean-up drive at Marina Park, Port Blair. With the primary objective of raising awareness about the depleting flora of the beaches and the crucial role of such initiatives in safeguarding marine life, the event saw active participation from approximately 25 staff members from TSG Grand and TSG Emerald View.

Under the able guidance of Mr. Chiranjeet Das, Corporate General Manager, and the supervision of Mr. Mohinder Bhatia, Promiller, the beach clean-up drive proved to be a resounding success. The enthusiastic staff members equipped themselves with disposable bags and fanned out across the shoreline, diligently collecting dry waste that included plastic cups, wrappers, empty bottles, and other debris.

The significance of the event lay not only in the physical cleanup but also in the message it conveyed to the local community and visitors about the need to protect and preserve the pristine beauty of the region’s beaches. The harmful impact of pollution on marine life and the urgency of taking proactive measures to combat it were highlighted throughout the initiative.

“The beach clean-up drive was a wholesome experience, as it provided us with an opportunity to contribute to the betterment of society and take action against mankind’s mistakes while safeguarding nature from potential disasters,” expressed Mr. Chiranjeet Das, speaking to the media.

The staff members’ active and enthusiastic participation exemplified their dedication to the cause, and their collective efforts significantly contributed to the success of the campaign. As the clean-up drive drew to a close, the amassed waste was handed over to the Port Blair Municipal Council (PBMC) staff for proper disposal, leaving behind a pristine and litter-free beach.

TSG Hotels & Resorts has set an exemplary precedent with this beach clean-up drive, inspiring others to take action in protecting the environment. By instilling awareness among the public and actively engaging in such conservation efforts, the hospitality group has demonstrated its commitment to a sustainable future for the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

The success of this initiative serves as a reminder that collective action can make a difference in preserving natural wonders for generations to come. As responsible citizens, it is essential to follow the example set by TSG Hotels & Resorts and contribute to the protection of our environment, ensuring that these picturesque beaches and marine life continue to thrive in the years ahead.