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Two Week Old Garbage Dump and Filthy Drain Haunts Residents at Bahadur Colony in Ward No 12 of PBMC

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 28 May 2023

Bahadur Colony, Dudh Line in Ward No. 12 of PBMC, is home to hundreds of lower-middle-class residents. The colony welcomes visitors with the sight of an almost two-week-old-smelling garbage dump and filthy uncleaned drains.

Residents informed Nicobar Times that PBMC used to collect segregated garbage from the residents’ homes earlier, but the practice has been stopped for a long time because of which they are forced to throw their garbage out in the open at one place. The residents further informed that PBMC never picks up the garbage on time, and it lies rotting in the open for days and weeks together.

There are no public dustbins in the colony.

The residents also complained that the drain in their colony is never cleaned on time, and it smells very bad, because of which people often fall ill.

Mr. C Sonu Raj, a social worker of the area, informed Nicobar Times that earlier, the PBMC staff used to be proactive on receiving complaints, but now they take their own time to come and clean the area even after lodging complaints. 

Residents of the colony informed that politicians visit them only during elections, and this time they have decided to cast their vote very cautiously in the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections. 

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