Ultrasound Facility Urgently Sought at PHC Campbell Bay; Pradhan GP Govind Nagar Threatens Protest from 16th August 2023

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 26 July 2023

The residents of Great Nicobar Islands have been facing immense hardship due to the lack of ultrasound facilities at the Primary Health Centre (PHC) in Campbell Bay since 2019. In a heartfelt appeal to the Secretary of Health Services, A&N Administration, the Pradhan of Govind Nagar Panchayat, G Venkat Rao, brought attention to the dire situation and urged for immediate action to address the pressing issue.

The absence of an ultrasound facility in Campbell Bay has forced patients to travel all the way to Port Blair to avail the necessary services. This ordeal is particularly challenging for pregnant women who are often referred to Port Blair after the crucial five-month mark of their pregnancies. For many of these women, finding affordable boarding facilities in the distant city is a major concern.

Elderly individuals in the region also bear the brunt of this deficiency, as they struggle to access the vital medical service locally. The situation has been ongoing for a considerable period, despite previous representations to the authorities, including a plea to the Chief Secretary during his visit to the area in February 2023.

In his letter, G Venkat Rao, the Pradhan of Govind Nagar Gram Panchayat, emphasised that the demand for an ultrasound facility in Campbell Bay is a genuine and long-standing concern of the residents. The lack of attention from the administration has only exacerbated the hardships faced by the people of Great Nicobar Islands.

In light of the urgency of the matter, the Pradhan has earnestly requested the Secretary of Health Services to intervene and expedite the establishment of an ultrasound facility at PHC, Campbell Bay before 16th August 2023. He emphasised that failure to meet this genuine demand could lead to a protest strike by the people of Govind Nagar Panchayat starting from 16th August 2023.

The plea from the Pradhan echoes the sentiments of the entire community in Great Nicobar Islands, who are hopeful that the authorities will take prompt action to alleviate their suffering and provide essential healthcare services within their reach.

As the deadline approaches, the residents anxiously await the response from the administration, hoping that their genuine concerns will finally be addressed, and the much-needed ultrasound facility will become a reality at the Campbell Bay PHC.