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Uncleaned Drains, Filthy Surroundings at BJR Hospital Car Nicobar

Campbell Bay, 25 Mar 2021

Bishop John Richardson Hospital, Car Nicobar is one of the premier hospitals of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The hospital is the designated District Hospital for Nicobar District and serves the population of Car Nicobar. 

Nicobar Times recently received a couple of videos from a responsible citizen which shows the filthy environment of the hospital premises. The video showed pig roaming in the courtyard of the hospital with filth accumulated in the small drain adjacent to the verandah. 

The video showed the drain which has black dirty water accumulated in it. Further the stains of paan spits can be seen all around the drain area.

The Prime Minister of India through his speeches has always emphasised on swacchata and the importance of keeping our surroundings clean but that doesn’t seem to have resonated with the authorities of BJP Hospital Car Nicobar.

In Andaman and Nicobar Islands a huge shift in the attitude of the authorities was witnessed after the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was initiated by the Prime Minister, but in remote regions of the Island a lot of awareness has to be created for the change in attitude of the general public.

The paan stains can be blamed onto the patients and their visitors but there is no excuse for water accumulation in the small drains adjacent to the verandah. Hospital premises should be example of a clean premises but BJR Hospital premises reflects the opposite.

Nicobar Times tried contacting the Medical Officer Incharge of the hospital over the land line number a number of times but once it was informed yesterday that they were in a meeting and today the calls went unanswered. 

The Directorate of Health Services should take note of this and should ensure that all hospitals in Andaman and Nicobar Islands are clean.

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