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UT Administration Mandates Display of Anti-Drug Signage in Bars Across A & N Islands

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 08 June 2024

The Union Territory (UT) Administration of Andaman and Nicobar Islands is set to implement a new directive requiring all licensed bars to display anti-drug signage. This proposal, recommended by the UT Level NCORD (Narco Coordination Centre) Committee, aims to combat drug abuse in the region.

In an official notice, all bar license holders in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands have been instructed to install anti-drug signs that are short, crisp, and easily understandable by the public. The administration has emphasised that non-compliance with this directive could result in the cancellation of their licenses at any time.

This move underscores the administration’s commitment to addressing the drug menace and promoting a drug-free environment within the UT. Bar owners are urged to adhere to this new regulation promptly to avoid any potential disruptions to their business operations.

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