Villages of Laxmi Nagar Panchayat in Great Nicobar Face Imminent Electricity Blackout as Aerial Bunched Cable Far Exceeds Operational Life

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 30 April 2024

Three villages under the jurisdiction of Laxmi Nagar Panchayat in Great Nicobar, namely Laxmi Nagar, Gandhi Nagar, and Shastri Nagar, stand on the brink of a complete electricity blackout. The Aerial Bunched Cable (ABC) connecting these villages to the Campbell Bay Power House has surpassed its operational life, plunging the communities into regular disruptions and potential darkness.

The woes of these villages trace back to the devastating tsunami that ravaged the region, severing essential infrastructure connections. The villages were entirely cut off from Campbell Bay as the North-South Road, along which the electricity cable ran, succumbed to the force of the waves. In the aftermath, during the resettlement efforts, new ABCs were installed to restore electricity supply.

Years have elapsed since the installation, and the ageing ABC along the North-South Road is now a frequent source of trouble. Despite the dedicated efforts of the Electricity Department staff in Campbell Bay, who toil tirelessly to repair the damaged cables, daily faults disrupt the electricity supply to these remote villages.

The current situation has prompted calls for urgent action to replace the deteriorating cable. However, despite repeated appeals from political leaders in Great Nicobar to senior officials, the procurement of a replacement cable has yet to materialise.

With the existing cable on the verge of developing irreparable faults, the villages of Laxmi Nagar Panchayat face the looming threat of a complete blackout. Immediate intervention is imperative to avert this impending crisis and ensure uninterrupted access to electricity for these remote communities.