Vishal Jolly Congratulates BJP Brigade for Resounding Victory in Recently Held Elections in A & N Islands

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 19 October 2023

Mr. Vishal Jolly, National Executive Member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and former State President of the party, extended his heartfelt congratulations to the dedicated BJP brigade in Little Andaman and Campbell Bay for their outstanding performance in the recent General Election of Gram Panchayat Hutbay and Gram Panchayat Netaji Nagar Constituencies in Little Andaman, and Bye-election for Laxmi Nagar GP Member Constituency under GP Laxmi Nagar. BJP also secured victories in the Bye-election for Gram Panchayat Member Constituency of Bharatpur-1 & 2 in Neil Kendra (Shaheed Dweep).

The BJP leader lauded the hard work and honest campaign efforts of the party members, highlighting their resounding success in the democratic process.

Mr. Vishal Jolly expressed his gratitude to the State, District, Mandal, and Booth office bearers, acknowledging their well-coordinated efforts that contributed to this remarkable triumph. The collaborative approach within the party was instrumental in achieving this victory.

In his statement, Mr. Jolly also extended his personal thanks to all party members and supporters for their role in defeating the Congress party in the semifinals of the 2024 elections.