Vishal Jolly Demands Increasing Old Age Pension, Widow Pension, Destitute Allowance and Disability Allowance to ₹4000 in A & N Islands

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 06 December 2022

Mr. Vishal Jolly, National Executive Member, BJP has written a letter to the Chief Secretary of Andaman and Nicobar Islands demanding an increase in Old Age Pension, Widow Pension, Destitute Allowance and Disability Allowance considering the prevailing cost price index of the Islands.

Mr. Vishal Jolly in his letter wrote that the Directorate of Social Welfare provides Old Age Pension, Widow Pension, Destitute Allowance and Disability Allowance to eligible beneficiaries, but the amount paid is a meagre Rs. 2500/-.

Mr. Jolly added that the cost of living in these Islands is much higher because of the geographical isolation and distance from the mainland. Mr. Jolly also mentioned that even the meagre amount of Rs. 2500/- is paid to the beneficiaries in the Second or Third Week of the month, which is very disheartening. 

Mr. Jolly further mentioned that it is very difficult for the beneficiaries to sustain themselves in the meagre amount of Rs. 2500/- as most of the goods are imported into the Islands from the mainland, thus increasing its cost. Mr. Jolly also mentioned that the beneficiaries are dependent on the assistance in form of pensions and allowances from the Social Welfare Department and the meagre amount of Rs. 2500/- is not sufficient to meet their basic needs.

Mr. Jolly requested the Chief Secretary to consider the plight of the beneficiaries and increase the pension and allowances from Rs. 2500/- to Rs. 4000/-. He also requested the Chief Secretary that the pension and allowances to these beneficiaries be disbursed on the first or second day of every month.