Vishal Jolly Writes to Chief Secretary Demanding Ships for Stranded Students and Islanders

Rohit Kumar

Port Blair, 17 January 2022

Mr. Vishal Jolly, National Executive Member BJP, Former State President, BJP – A & N Islands & Member, Home Ministry Advisory Committee, GoI demanded ships for the stranded students and Islanders stuck at Port Blair through a letter addressed to the Chief Secretary, A & N Administration. 

In his letter, he wrote that due to the recent surge in COVID cases all the schools/colleges and other educational institutions have been closed as a precautionary measure to contain the spread of COVID cases. As a result numbers of students hailing from Little Andaman and other Southern Group of Islands who are perusing their studies are stranded at Port Blair and they are unable to go back to their home Islands, thus they are facing untold troubles and pain to reach their home during this pandemic. 

Accordingly Mr. Jolly requested the Chief Secretary to direct the concerned authorities to make necessary arrangements and chalk out a suitable shipping schedule, especially for the transportation of stranded students and the general public who are stuck at Port Blair for long, on priority.