Volcanic Activity Noticed in Barren Island

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 5 June 2021

Mr. Jitendra Narain, Chief Secretary of A & N Administration sent out a tweet earlier this morning informing that Barren Island has become active once again. He also tweeted out a picture of the Volcano erupting fumes which he attributed to COS, ANC. 

Barren Island is an Island located in the Andaman Sea. It is the only active volcano in South Asia and also along a chain of volcanoes from Sumatra to Myanmar. Barren Island is a part of Andaman and Nicobar Islands and lies about 138 Km northeast of Port Blair.

The first recorded eruption of the volcano dates back to 1787. The volcanic Island stands in the midst of a volcanic belt on the edge of the Indian and Burmese tectonic plates.