Workshop on ‘Drug Abuse Prevention’ for Anganwadi Workers at JNRM

Rohit Kumar

Port Blair, 17 February 2023

The Department of Home Science, JNRM, in association with the National Institute of Social Defence (NISD), Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India, is organizing a two days Capacity Building Workshop on ‘Drug Abuse Prevention,’ for Anganwadi Workers from 16th February 2023 to 17th February 2023.

During the inauguration, the chief guest, Ms. Iti Agarwal, Director (Social Welfare), A & N Administration, stated that drug and substance abuse prevention is very important for the betterment of the society. She spoke on how drugs and its addiction can stop countries’ vibrant growth and economic development. 

There is a need to strengthen the supply reduction strategy through law enforcement agencies, and the role of Anganwadi Workers is noteworthy in this noble cause, she added. The demand reduction and supply reduction can jointly be achieved through creating awareness among the community and young minds. She opined that value education is important in the long run, through which we can bring change in society. 

Dr. H. K. Sharma, Principal, JNRM, briefed the gathering about drug abuse in various countries. Due to drugs and alcohol, the crime rates are escalating, he said.

Dr. K. Venkatesan, HOD, Home Science and Convener of the programme informed that a country like India with a rich demographic dividend should tap the potential of youngsters and hone their skills for the betterment of society. During the technical session, resource persons addressed the participants.