Workshop on Integration of Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP) with A & N Administration Held in Port Blair

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 05 September 2024

A workshop on the Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP) and its integration with the Andaman and Nicobar Administration was held on 4th September 2024, at the Directorate of Industries’ Conference Hall, Middle Point. The event was organized by the Directorate of Industries, A&N Administration, in collaboration with NICDC Logistics Data Services (NLDS), a key player in logistics data management.

NICDC Logistics Data Services (NLDS), a joint venture between the Government of India, represented by the National Industrial Corridor Development and Implementation Trust (NICDIT), and Japanese IT giant NEC Corporation, operates with equal equity participation from both sides.

The primary goal of the workshop was to raise awareness about ULIP and provide insights into the platform’s features and benefits. The event gathered various stakeholders from the logistics sector across the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, including officials from different departments of the A&N Administration, warehousing corporations, and private industry players.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Abhishek Bhukal, Director of Industries, A&N Administration, highlighted that the A&N Islands are pioneers among Union Territories (UTs) in launching a comprehensive logistics policy. He underlined the transformative potential of ULIP, calling it a unique opportunity for the islands to modernise their logistics infrastructure.

“This platform offers unprecedented opportunities to simplify logistics processes, creating a more seamless and efficient framework that benefits not only government departments but the private sector as well,” said Mr. Bhukal. He urged officials to make the most of the workshop, remaining committed to building a logistics sector that is efficient, inclusive, and future-ready.

Mr. Atanu Manna, Head of Operations at NLDS, provided further insight into the ULIP platform, describing it as a digital gateway for logistics operators. He noted that ULIP has been at the forefront of revolutionising India’s logistics landscape, enabling industry players to access datasets from multiple government systems through API-based integration.

A detailed presentation on ULIP, accompanied by a video, showcased various aspects of the platform. Key topics covered included its architecture, integration with central and state government departments, industry usage, and innovative applications such as route optimization and green logistics. The platform’s role in driving efficiency across the logistics sector was also highlighted, along with case studies demonstrating its effectiveness.

A discussion followed on department-specific data layers and how ULIP integration could enhance collaboration between different governmental and private entities involved in logistics.

The workshop concluded on a positive note, with participants expressing their appreciation for the opportunity to learn more about the platform and its potential. Many attendees acknowledged the importance of ULIP in modernising the logistics ecosystem in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

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