World No Tobacco Day Marked Across Andaman and Nicobar Islands, State Level Event Organised at PTS Prothrapur

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 01 June 2024

As part of the global commemoration of World No Tobacco Day, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands joined the worldwide initiative on May 31st, conducting a series of awareness programs across the region. The event aimed to shed light on the detrimental effects of tobacco use and the manipulative tactics employed by the tobacco industry, under the theme ‘Protecting Children from Tobacco Industry Interference’.

In a concerted effort to raise awareness, health and wellness centers throughout the islands organized educational sessions. However, the focal point of the day’s activities was a state-level program held at the Police Training School, Prothrapur. The event targeted police personnel and newly recruited trainees. The main event was organised by National Tobacco Control Programme, with the State Health Society and the Directorate of Health Services, A & N Islands.

Dr. Satyajit Halder, the Nodal Officer of the National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP) in A & N Islands, emphasized the significance of NTCP’s efforts in combating tobacco usage. Meanwhile, Dr. Avijit Roy, Deputy Director (Health), delved into the theme, elaborating on strategies to shield children from the tobacco industry’s influence, citing the Tobacco-Free Educational Institutions (ToFEI) initiative and the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) of 2003.

Highlighting the adverse effects of tobacco on oral health specific to the region, Dr. Sanjiv Jaichand, a Dental Surgeon, provided insights into the local context. The proceedings culminated with participants taking a solemn ‘No Tobacco Pledge’, underscoring their commitment to a tobacco-free lifestyle.

The event commenced with a warm welcome extended by Mr. M.K Shukla, Vice Principal of the Police Training School, setting a tone of engagement and collaboration among the attendees.

World No Tobacco Day serves as a global reminder of the imperative to safeguard public health from the pervasive influence of tobacco, rallying communities to action in pursuit of healthier futures for generations to come.