Yusoof Jadwet Passes Away

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 29 May 2021

Mr. Yusoof Jadwet, a well known personality throughout the Islands, passed away this evening at 6:49 Pm in Port Blair. Mr. Yusoof Jadwet was the grandfather of Mr. Ebrahim Jadwet. 

Mr. Yusoof Jadwet was the Managing Director of Ellon Hinengo Limited (EHL) for almost 40 years. 

Under the leadership of Mr. Yusoof Jadwet, EHL touched new heights. His tenure saw EHL acquiring four cargo ships, expanding into construction division, petrol pump division, coir manufacturing unit, stevedoring division etc.

He held many important portfolios in many different organisations in Nicobar District. He also served as the Managing Director of Manula Mathai Limited, Nancowry for a brief period. 

Mr. Yusoof Jadwet was liked by all tribal leaders of the Nicobar District. He will always be remembered for his contribution to the lives of the Nicobarese. 

Nicobar Times condoles his demise.